Audition Adventures

Recently I attended a couple of auditions, which led me on wonderful adventures in old London Town. 

The first audition was held at the Dominion Theatre. 

This is the West End home of my all time favourite stage musical - An American in Paris. 

The audition didn’t take place on the stage, but  it was cool to be in the vicinity of a ‘S Wonderful production. 

My evening finished with a trip to the Harry Potter section of Primark. Hogwarts might not be real, but my love of Harry and the gang is. 

My next audition led me to Oxford Street. On a whim I decided to check out the Selfridges Christmas windows. 

Part way through my examination of the captivating details I overheard someone talking about lights being turned on. It wasn’t as though we were in a blackout, so I Googled what they were on about. It turned out the Christmas lights were going to be turned on with a free concert. By now I’m sure you’re all aware of my love for freebies, so of course I decided to stick around. First I continued looking at the rest of the windows. 

Then I ventured inside Selfridges to the level 4 Christmas Emporium. 

Was it still only November or had my audition lasted longer than I thought?

I joined the line for the concert, which I stayed in for about 1.5 hours. But it’s ok because I had my snacks, and thoughts of a seemingly successful audition to keep me company. I also donated a little loose change to charity and received a surprise star pin in return. 

I finally entered the concert and was at the front, by the barrier. 

There was, however, an additional section in front for press and other special people. This is where the tallest man in London waltzed in during the opening act, which was kind of ok because there were gaps on either side of him, but then someone stood in the gap, so I reached out. He turned around and I gestured for him to move while informing him I couldn’t see. And I absolutely needed to see the Five Guys Named Moe singing and tapping their hearts out with pizzazz. 

During the following act Eat Moe (aka Emile Ruddock) ventured into the audience because he knew someone standing near me. I awkwardly made eye contact, smiled, and said, “You were amazing.” 

Instead of feeling like a creep and asking for a photo, I did something even creepier. I took a sneaky, stalker photo.

Next up were 5 to Midnight. Who are they? Are there five of them? Would they perform until midnight? I feel so out of touch with today’s British youth. I was about to watch a band I’d never heard of until that day, and I proceeded to call them 5 to Midnight, when their name is in fact, 5 After Midnight.

They turned out to be three singers who had competed on X Factor. They had some slick dance moves to back up their vocals. 

Then Matt Terry took on the stage, providing a solid performance worthy of an X Factor winner, which I’ve been informed he is. 

He even received an award for selling a notable number of records. 

Both Matt Terry and 5 After Midnight gained at least one new fan that evening.

The whole event was hosted by Ronan and Vic from Capital Breakfast with an appearance by Rita Ora. You’d be forgiven for thinking she might sing. She did not. She was there to push a button. 

As 5 After Midnight put it, “Oxford Street was lit.”

Following those festivities I caught up with Samantha, who had been watching the concert on the big screen outside the stage area. 

Strolling along Oxford Street we decided to stop in at Brwd Coffee. 

It’s a small cafe on the second level of French Connection. 

I opted for hot chocolate.  

We finished our beverages and set off for the Tube, but on the way we heard Christmas Carols ringing out from Gap. We stopped to listen and check out some of the winter merchandise.  

It was a lovely way to end an evening in a city that was beginning to look a lot like Christmas, albeit in early November. 

For now I’m taking a short break from auditioning with a vacation to America. Follow my vacation at 
American Adventures



Five Guys Named Moe

Brwd Coffee


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