My Humble Abode

This latest blog post is coming to you from Windsor, Berkshire. Sorry if you can't hear me over all the aircraft noise. Ok, it's not that bad and I'm kind of getting used to it now. 

The choice was between two places I found on the SpareRoom website, and I chose the one with the purple room. The colour purple wasn't the only reason, but it made the pros list. 

Here are all of the before photos. Partly because I want to show all the changes I made, but also because they say it's good to capture before photos of a rental property. 

There is a lot of cupboard space. Moving over with so little possessions means there's space for me in the cupboard if I ever want a change of scenery. I also accidentally opted to fill in some of the space with empty hangers after over ordering them online. 

Soon I'll show the after photos, but let's check out the shared spaces first. There's the bathroom and additional toilet shared by five people, which has actually not been terrible. 

Yeah, I apparently live with four other people, but with everyone sticking to their rooms we're like passing ships in the night or morning or whenever. It's like we're living in a strange hotel with no room service, but a weekly cleaner for the shared areas. 

We've also got a kitchen. I have specific cupboard space which of course contains muesli bars, and a fridge I share with another Aussie. 

In the kitchen you'll also find the washing machine, which is super convenient because when you get food on your clothes you can just throw them in the wash right away. Sure, you'll be naked and every setting takes 2 and a half hours, but yay for convenience. 

That's all the shared spaces. There's also an awkwardly attached living room that nobody uses because it's awkward. There's also an area out the back with a table that I don't use partly because a cat hangs around.

Now back to my room. See if you can spot the touches of Disney, and a few extra homewares that were mainly delivered purchased from Argos for the legitimate convenience of home delivery. 

In the mirror you can see my Tescos reusable bags, which reminds me I need to reorder my club card. 

My humble abode comes at a cost of £590 per calendar month. Included is the furniture you see in the before photos, bills, Wi-Fi, weekly cleaner for shared spaces. It's also close to a supermarket, coffee shop, library, and bus stops that do not go directly to my work, but will take you to the town centre. Future blog posts will reveal a little more about my tiny slice of Windsor life.

Well, I put some washing in the machine about 2 hours ago, so I better check it.




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